Amagara Marungi
"A Better Life." - Southern Ugandan dialect

Giving back to those who give us so much.

Bishop George
Kumbo, Cameroon

Sr. Stella
Rubanda Solidarity Dev. Assoc., Uganda

Fr. Julius Kabatereine
Mizzoldi Community College
Rubanda District, Uganda

Jimmy Aiken and Dom Bettonelli
SQPN : Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World Podcast

We are grateful for the care Bishop George, Frs. Earnest and James and the whole community of Kumbo, Akweto, has put into the Health Center project

In his summer 2023 visit to the US, Bishop George and the many missionaries that he has sent to serve in Maine gathered to say mass in Ellsworth. He has sent some of his closest advisors and says, "thank you for giving them the opportunity to serve!" AM is happy to give back.
We are grateful to Sr. Stella for all of her energy and enthusiasm for children and the elderly. Sr. Stella went home to be with her Lord (July 2023).

Sr. Stella dedicated her life to the poor of Uganda. She partnered with the Rubanda Solidarity Development Association (RSDA), a group founded by our beloved Fr. Dominic. Stella and the RSDA had several ministries for the poor, but notable was the work with at-risk children and suffering elderly.
The already-and-not-yet Kingdom provides for widows. Sr. Stella did just this, developing programs to provide food, medicine, and supplies to the elderly forgotten by the world. During Covid she worked tirelessly to ensure their needs were met, that food was available, and health care was accessible. Most importantly, she did so in a way that protected their dignity. She would travel miles in difficult conditions to sit with the elderly in their modest homes, holding their hands and showing them the love of Christ.
The already-and-not-yet Kingdom provides for orphans. Sr. Stella led the charge in Rubanda, supporting the Solidarity school and ensuring children had access to education, food, shelter, and love. She worked tirelessly to raise funds to help the very children our Lord calls to Himself. The children loved her in return, singing songs in her name, telling her she was their hero.
Sr. Stella passed to her reward this week. Having battled with cancer for several years, her King ended her fight and called her home to be with Him. I knew her only a little, but I feel the loss of one who brought the kingdom a little closer for the rest of us. Through her we saw His kingdom on earth; I have no doubt she is now seeing His kingdom as it is in heaven.
The last text I received from Sr. Stella was July 5, as her health was failing. It was simple but surprisingly powerful in context; Kingdom words from a child of the King:
Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.
Goodbye for now, Sr. Stella. Enjoy your well-earned sunshine.
Amagara Marungi was introduced to The Apostles of Jesus during Covid, The shut down caused them to experience near starvation conditions. The Apostles of Jesus had recently been sent on a mission to start a community college in the rural area of Mazzoldi for young adults to learn trade skills. Asking only for the money to buy seeds,
AM realized that there was fertile ground (pun intended) for partnership.
Since then, Father Julius Kabatereine and his fellow Apostles of Jesus have continued to build relationship with AM while we build gardens, classrooms, and chicken coops. The students are learning, and the classes are growing.
We are grateful to know and work with Fr. Julius and his brothers.

Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World is an exploration of the weird, the strange, and the unusual. Apologist,Jimmy Akin and co-host Domenico Bettinelli offer a fascinating look at ancient mysteries, folk tales, urban legends, crimes, conspiracies, and the supernatural from the twin perspectives of faith and reason.
Amagara Marungi first partnered with Jimmy and Dom in the early 2020's to explore "mysterious" topics relating to Uganda. Their support brought knowledge of our mission and group to a wider audience and continues (due to their data base and our continued relationship) to benefit people around the world.
AM is grateful for JAMW and all of its listeners, their prayers, advertising and donations have helped our mission!​