Bringing young and old together and providing for their specific needs
Food Deliveries
Distributing food during COVID lockdowns
Food to young
Young are directly affected by skyrocketing food prices.
Rubanda Solidarity Elder Provisions
Providing food & basics, Fall 2021
Provision distribution
Providing a central, trusting, and safe location for care and distribution.
Rubanda Solidarity Elder Provisions
Annual elderly support at Christmas
Lyrics "Let you not be afraid and run away"
Part of the traditional dance of happiness at the AM supported Elderly Person's Day, 10/1/2023, at Rubanda Solidarity School, Rubanda, Uganda
Rubanda, Uganda Sonogram Machine
Rubanda Health Care Ultrasound
Ultrasound delivery escort, June 2021
VIDEO: Community Unveiling
The whole community comes out to celebrate the new sonogram machine